Autumn days bring football, jack o’ lanterns, turkeys, and trees turning a kaleidoscope of reds and yellows. The new season also ushers in a full season of happenings at GRACE!

Here are just a few ways you can get involved:

Sips, Sweets & Jewels: Kendra Scott GRACE Benefit-October 2

Enjoy the hospitality of the Kendra Scott staff at Southlake Town Square, shop their extensive collection of beautiful jewelry, and know 20% of all sales go back to fund GRACE programs.

The event takes place next Monday, October 2, 5:00- 8:00 p.m., at the shop behind BRIO Tuscan Grille at 321 Grand Avenue.

[Think of this as the precursor event to the GRACE Gala on October 14!]

In addition, Kendra Scott is teaming up with the Gala for the ever-popular Jewelry Pull on October 14.

A $75 donation gets you a prized piece valued between $75-$200! RSVP to the Facebook event here, and be sure to share with your friends and family!]

Holiday Food Drive Needs List

Your local retailers are getting into the holiday spirit already. It seems like “Back-To-School” melds into “Christmas” in just a few short weeks.

For many though, the aisles of holiday décor are a welcome reminder that our 90 degree days are coming to an end, soon.

We’re not making a list and checking it twice just yet, but our official “Holiday Needs List” has been released. Food drives are a staple for the GRACE Food Pantry, that serve so many families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

If not for drives mounted by churches, companies, civic clubs, scout groups and many, many others, GRACE would not have enough to feed those who come to us for help.

Last holiday season, 838 meals made it to the tables of families struggling to make ends meet. Our community’s support gave warmth, comfort, and security during Thanksgiving and Christmas–seasons known for good hearts, gratitude, and humanity’s best Gift, in Jesus Christ.

If your family, civic group, church, or neighborhood would like to plan a collection drive or holiday meal for a family in need, please let us know. You can help us make this the most generous holiday season yet by brainstorming ideas to get your business, congregation or loved ones involved.


Along with food and perishable goods, a cash donation allows us to cover the purchase of milk, eggs, butter and a holiday turkey. GRACE has strong relationships with local food banks that help multiply the purchasing power of donated funds.

Food donations are gratefully accepted at the GRACE Food Pantry, 837 East Walnut Street in Grapevine. Hours are 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 1:00 p.m.– 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday.

Download the Holiday Food Needs List 

About the GRACE Food Pantry:

The Client Choice Food Pantry provides perishable and non-perishable food to individuals and families in need. The Food Pantry utilizes a voucher system for GRACE clients to shop and select the food items that meet the cultural and dietary needs of their households.

 Fall Planting Work Day at the Community Gardens

Autumn reminds us of our abundant blessings, and few things are more tangible and rewarding than gathering the harvest and cultivating new growth at the Community Gardens.

Gardeners, outdoorsy-types, families and all are welcome to join in the good, clean fun in the dirt!

Late Fall Planting, Saturday, October 7, 9:00 a.m. – until completed. RSVP to Becca Clarke  (cell) 817-454-0731

Tasks will include planting cabbage transplants, turning compost bins, adding leaves, spent foliage and other materials to the compost bins, and weeding/mulching.

The Community Gardens also have numerous ongoing needs for those really into gardening and plants. Gardeners are encouraged to:

  •  Volunteer on scheduled work days – garden clean up/planting
  • Monetary donations (for seeds, sets and bedding plants)
  • Donation of seeds and plants for planting days

Donate here

GRACE Christmas Cottage

This location for the 2017 Christmas Cottage is at 3100 Timberline Drive, Grapevine, and the theme will be everything Disney—so look for lots of Mickeys, Minnies, Goofys, Donalds, and the whole gang dolled up in festive holiday gear.

Toy drives help GRACE give a merry Christmas to more than 2,500 children this year. In a dignified way, parents will be invited to come to Christmas Cottage and “shop” using a voucher, for the toys, clothes, electronics and other gifts for their children.

All gifts go into a big Santa’s Bag with wrapping paper, bows, and cards. This way our client parents get to experience the joy of watching their children open gifts on Christmas morning that they selected and wrapped especially for them.

Each family also gets a dozen fresh-baked cookies and stocking stuffers for the children. Also, the parents are asked to select a “Family Gift”, usually a kitchen appliance or something for their home.

If you are interested in holding a toy drive for Christmas Cottage, please let us know. We may be able to help with ideas and promotions that have worked for others in past years.

Join us for the GRACE Gala

No recap of GRACE Fall happenings would be complete without mentioning the GRACE Gala scheduled for Saturday, October 14.

We will be at the Hyatt Regency this year, with renowned dance band Emerald City providing the entertainment. Individual admissions are $325, table of ten are an added bargain for $3,000.

We will have a great gourmet dinner, fine wines, astounding Silent and Live Auction items, and much, much more.

Purchase GRACE Gala tickets here

And for information on the amazing Gala Raffle, read about them here.

Purchase Raffle Tickets