We need YOU! This summer please consider volunteering time with GRACE! From sorting donations at the GRACE Donation Station- to helping our resale shops sell donations, GRACE has many wonderful ways to help you get involved!

It’s so easy to get the volunteer process started. GRACE Volunteer Orientation is the entry point for all new and current volunteers who want to know more about GRACE and how they can find the right volunteering opportunity for them. This 45-minute detailed meeting goes over each volunteer opportunity, its purpose, and the tasks of each volunteer.

Volunteer Manager, Ryan Jackson, leads the orientations and finds something interesting about each one. “Many volunteers have come to an orientation and have found other opportunities to serve at GRACE they weren’t aware of.” said Ryan. “ I love when this happens because it shows that GRACE has so many opportunities for volunteers and their passion on serving the community.”

After the Volunteer Orientation, volunteers are sent a follow-up email with follow up information. A signup genius link is included for those who are ready to start volunteering at GRACEful Buys, Food Pantry, Donation Station, and Community Gardens. All other volunteer opportunities must require a background check, which the follow-up gives information on.

So what are you waiting for? We would love to see you at GRACE’s Volunteer Orientation. All orientations are held every other Tuesday at 4 pm at GRACE Main. The next one will be Tuesday, June 20th. For anyone needing court-ordered community service hours completed, a virtual orientation is held on the same days as the regular volunteer orientations at 3 pm. To receive a link to the virtual court-ordered orientations, please go to our website here for more information.

GRACE wants to thank each and every new and current volunteer who is serving alongside us as we continue to carry out the mission of GRACE; by being stewards of God’s blessings and resources in the community. We can’t wait to see you at our next Volunteer Orientation!