The Christmas season at GRACE officially kicked off this week with the Christmas Cottage open house! On Monday night, GRACE supporters gathered at the cottage to ring in another year of the program with toy donations, light bites, and drinks. We heard from various staff and board members, as well as the new GRACE CEO, Rebecca Cox, and celebrated everyone that makes this program possible! 

The Christmas Cottage is an annual program that allows clients to “shop” for gifts for their families to ensure a merry Christmas. Families are able to choose gifts they know their children want, as well as choose gifts for the family such as board games and household appliances. Each family is then also provided with necessary materials such as wrapping paper, tape, gift bags, and even batteries for toys and gadgets!  

This program is successful because of the incredible generosity of our many supporters. Individuals and businesses host toy drives, send items to GRACE via the Amazon Wishlist, and of course – volunteer their time to serve in the cottage itself. Volunteers help set up the space, organize the gifts by age and category, and even walk through the cottage with the clients to help them get what they need.  

If you’re interested in volunteering with the Christmas Cottage, we could really use your help! Visit our Sign-Up Genius page to sign up for a shift or two and see the magic for yourself! You can also find out more information about hosting a toy drive by contacting Emily Miranda at 

To view the 2023 Christmas Cottage wish list, you can click here, and if you prefer to send something via the mail, be sure to check out our Amazon Wishlist here! 

Thank you again to all who attended, volunteer, and support GRACE in this very special program! An extra special thank you to Esparza’s in Grapevine for the food and Piattelli Vineyards for the wine. If you weren’t able to join us at the open house this year, we hope you’ll be able to join us in the years to come!