We would like to acknowledge Classic Chevrolet Fleet & Commercial, our cherished partnership and presenting sponsor, as we prepare for the upcoming GRACE Gala.

For 14 years, Classic has been the presenting sponsor of the GRACE Gala. Their efforts to promote charity and community involvement have become a motivating factor for many individuals and organizations in the community.

The Classic Charity Golf Tournament was held the last year, with the proceeds going to local charities like GRACE. The success of this competition allowed Classic Chevrolet to donate $47,000 to GRACE in support of our programs.

Beyond being contented members of the dealership team, Classic Chevrolet’s employees have taken on tasks that go far beyond that. They have made an effort to contribute back to the community, by hosting annual luncheons, runs, and other events to help raise money for nonprofits and their efforts.

GRACE has been blessed to partner with Classic Chevrolet as they offer support and resources to the folks right here in our community.

Thank you to General Sales Manager, Brad Roblyer, and the rest of the outstanding team at Classic Chevrolet Fleet & Commercial for putting individuals and the community first. We appreciate everything you do.

We are a little over two months away from the 2022 GRACE Gala, and we can’t wait to see you there. For more information about sponsorships, please reach out to GRACE’s Chief Development Officer, Mark Woolverton at mwoolverton@GRACEGrapevine.org.