Recently GRACE had a family come through our doors completely distraught. A wife and mother of young children was in a panic because her husband had recently survived a medical trauma and was unable to work during his recovery.

Even though he was expected to return to work at the end of January, they would not begin receiving income until well into February. As he was the sole financial provider of the household, this unexpected crisis had them at a loss. They have always been a financially responsible household, and for the past seven years, they had never been even a day late on their rent! Now, due to their current situation, they wouldn’t be able to make the payment at all and were facing a housing crisis. The family shared that they came to GRACE because they did not have any family here and did not know where else to turn.

GRACE exists for families just like this. Through GRACE, our community has been the continuum of care amid crisis for 37 years and were honored to be able to assist this household with their remaining rent balance for January as well as part of February’s rent.

In addition to rental assistance, they will have access to the GRACE Food Pantry for the next 6 months to help offset some of their expenses and ensure they get fully back on their feet so that this temporary crisis will be nothing but a memory.

Putting GRACE into action for families like this one is the heartbeat behind our mission. Though each situation that comes through our doors is personal and unique, because of our seasoned experience and your community support, GRACE is able to offer a safety net of services to bring stability to each household. Self-sufficiency, the primary goal of GRACE for all our families, will thankfully be recovered quickly in this situation. Their expressions of gratitude and appreciation have been noted by our care managers and will be used as motivation to move forward as we work together to help the next family that comes to us in need, seeking GRACE.