The day each individual or family move into the program, GRACE Staff, Board Members, and volunteers gather to earnestly pray for them. They are reminded that the program is difficult work and that everyone present and represented is here to encourage, lift and embolden them on their journey.

From the moment they walk through their new home, congregations like United Methodist Church, Whites Chapel Church, and Compass Christian Church artfully decorate and pray over the space to ensure the women are strengthened and renewed.

The hospitality extends far beyond home décor, as the families are personally invited to join them in their church home, or encouraged to attend the place of worship that most aligns with their families’ values.

It’s God’s provision through His people that ensures women like these to thrive in a safe, stable environment to become the best woman and mother they can possibly be.

Thank you for sharing God’s love with displaced families, working moms and dads, and children entering the Transitional Housing program. View the album of the house transformations below:

Looking to give back? Here are some ideas from the Transitional Housing wishlist:

  • HE Laundry detergent
  • Foam poster boards, magazines and scrapbooking materials for vision boards
  • Adopting a group meal at a restaurant that is able to host a support group of 10-15 people
  • Vocational coaches who are willing to relay applicable life skills such as etiquette, budgeting, and a specific trade.

GRACE Transitional Housing provides long-term assistance and case management for homeless women, children and families working toward becoming self-sufficient.

The program provides a safe, nurturing environment that allows the client the capacity to recover and develop the skills needed to succeed. The program is available to the families for a minimum of six months and maximum of two years. If you would like to host a service project or collect goods for Transitional Housing, contact Jamé Scott