Last week we had the privilege of handing keys to a grateful Transitional Housing client on her 65th birthday. White’s Chapel Church joined us to welcome *Karen to her newly-remodeled apartment and finally call it home.

While *Karen’s new chapter is just beginning, her response to last week’s blessings has already given us some important things to reflect on as a community.

Here are two things we encourage you to consider on this week in regard to the newest member of the GRACE family.

Not only can hospitality change the world, it can make a significant impact on our cities and neighborhoods

When we love and serve others in the community through hospitality, we are also serving God. Hospitality is taken very seriously in the Bible. Hospitality is described as a spiritual gift for some, but it’s something that all believers should practice.

When you support GRACE, you are creating a sanctuary for those God sends our way. Your support is a response to the urgent need for shelter, and a direct response to Jesus when He says, “I was a stranger, and you welcomed me in.”

Your support reinforces value to clients who often lose their sense of self-worth along the way

You might not be able to meet GRACE clients face to face, but we want you to know what a profound impact having a stable home can make on a downtrodden spirit.

*Karen described her situation as the “bottom falling out.” It’s not uncommon for Transitional Housing clients to come to GRACE downtrodden, weary and discouraged.

When *Karen opened her closets to find clothing, cleaning supplies and other essentials, she exclaimed, “God loves me!” as if the experience itself answered the question her heart longed to answer.

Your support confirms what we already know to be true, that *Karen and other women and men who come through GRACE’s doors are precious, and worthy of being our special guest.

If you have a heart for welcoming women and men to the Transitional Housing program, we’d like to share ideas and resources that will fit your time and talents. Contact Transitional Housing Manager, Jamé Scott.

*Name changed to preserve identity