Eviction Notice

The COVID-19 crisis has put many families in arrears with their rent. Millions of eviction notices may be filed in the next few months.

One of the many social problems exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic is people struggling to pay their rent. The hit to the economy has left 2-in-5 adults reporting job or income loss, leaving millions in danger of being evicted from their homes.

The numbers from Stout Risius Ross are staggering: Over 17 million households are expected to be unable to pay their rent, with an estimated 12 million evictions to be filed within the next 4 months.

Through the entire COVID-19 crisis, we at GRACE have known one of the most devastating outcomes will be homelessness. Without assistance, the most vulnerable populations will be affected as well as individuals and families who have never needed assistance before now.

GRACE has been at the forefront of rental assistance by providing the monetary and advocacy assistance needed to guide people through this crisis. We have sought and secured resources that can aid families; we’ve also diverted funds from other areas of our budget to increase assistance by close to five times our regularly budgeted amounts.

Over 40% of home renters nationwide are at risk of eviction—the number in Texas is well above the national average at 48%.

GRACE’s Chief Program Officer Stacy Pacholick has been watching and preparing for this alarming situation.

“We have provided wrap-around services to fully address the needs of those coming to us for guidance,” she said. “In addition, we have welcomed four families to our GRACE Transitional Housing program in the last 90 days.”

While the needs of GRACE families have changed with the shifting impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, this time the stakes are the very highest ever, and GRACE’s flexibility will be tested.

“We are focused on decreasing homelessness by providing homes AND helping ‘housed’ families and individuals remain housed,” said Stacy.

GRACE is working to educate ourselves, attending training seminars from groups like Rethinking Homelessness and will continue to increase our knowledge to better serve our community.

We are always looking for help, please contact Stacy Pacholick at 817-305-4636.