“I always loved GRACE from afar from what I knew of the agency,” said Rebecca Cox, GRACE Chief Executive Officer, reflecting on her first days with GRACE.

Now, looking back on the first 90 days of her tenure, she concludes, “But now I truly understand the depth of feeling, the dedication of every person involved with GRACE, and the utterly inspiring feeling I get serving this mission. And that feeling grows day-by-day.”

Literally, Rebecca’s “Day 1” duty was to preside over the grand opening of GRACE’s Christmas Cottage on December 4. A whirlwind of a joyous Christmas Season and Year End activities followed.

“[Christmastime] was a season both of need and of giving,” said Rebecca. GRACE Hunger Services, Housing Services, and Children’s Services all posted record numbers served. Fortunately, the generosity of people in the community kept pace.

“We had churches, businesses, and schools holding food drives all month long,” she said. “Just when the Food Pantry shelves were getting bare, a food drive sponsor would arrive and save the day.”

Rebecca said she witnessed much the same situation with donors bringing toys and other gifts to Christmas Cottage. “I’ve been constantly amazed by the strong and immediate connection between our donors and those we serve.”

Referencing the volunteers who manage Christmas Cottage activities, Rebecca said, “I’ve seen our ‘Christmas Cottage Elves’ accept donations at the drive-through drop-off; immediately process and stock [the gifts]; and the very same toys go home with our clients within the hour.”

Rebecca said she was also very grateful to donors who made monetary gifts over the holidays.

“Rent, utilities, and other emergency assistance peaks at the holidays,” she said. “We had people waiting in line outside every morning before Client Services opened. Our donors touched the lives of so many families. They made Christmas merrier for thousands.”

For Rebecca, the highlights of her first three months included meeting donors and volunteers, many for the first time, and getting to know the members of her staff.

“It’s an honor to serve beside so many dedicated people on a mission as life-changing as GRACE,” said Rebecca. “I am proud to introduce myself as being even a small part of the larger GRACE mission.”

Yet, learning the more operational aspects of GRACE, like finding where the reams of copy paper can be found, can be tiring. Still, even these everyday tasks are well-suited to Rebecca’s outlook on life.

“I often refer to Galatians 6:9, ‘Let us not be weary in doing good’,” she said. “It had become my life verse, and it guides me in every challenge.”

“Doing good” comes naturally to Rebecca. She found her calling early in life at Fort Worth’s Presbyterian Night Shelter and has stayed true to her mission to serve others for the 20 plus years that followed.

Rebecca’s character has been formed by serving those facing poverty and homelessness. Her dedication to serving those in need include mounting initiatives to improve systems of care such as city wide planning for homeless services, housing programs, community clinics and mental healthcare facilities.

Her unique mix of experiences with social services, housing and medical care programming is perfectly suited to overseeing the vast continuum of care offered at GRACE.

“My passion always has been, and always will be empowering those who are struggling in need and to see them not only survive, but thrive,” she said.