Lets take a nice trip back to our childhoods. Do you remember the days when school let out for summer and you didn’t have to wake up at the crack of dawn? You stayed up late, and slept in late, and watched whatever you wanted on TV before maybe hopping in a pool with a friend.

Maybe you had breakfast around lunchtime, and ate lunch around dinner time. And you did whatever you wanted because NO SCHOOL for 2 1/2 glorious months!

We wish things were that way around GRACE. But the truth is, the summer season doesn’t slow down.

We have so many programs that continue despite the heat! We encourage you to attend one of our Volunteer Orientations throughout the summer and listen to what programs you or your child can help with.

Some of the events that are happening throughout the summer:

  • GRACE Grocery Giveaway- every Friday at different sites around Grapevine
  • Gala Auction Committee- Volunteers help solicit pick-up auction items around the area
  • GRACE Resale Stores- Style & GRACE, GRACEful Buys, and Donation Station- shifts include cashiering and merchandising
  • and many more!

Click here to view upcoming dates, or feel free to email Volunteer Coordinator Sarah Armand at volunteer@gracegrapevine.org about your volunteer interests