Dominique Johnson is a 31 year-old single mother of one child, Mariah (11). They hail from Louisiana and are currently a participant in the GRACE Transitional Housing program.

Within the program, Dominique has received the support to achieve many of her goals. Dominique’s most recent accomplishments include: Logistics Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing Technology Certificates (Cedar Valley College/Lancaster), Logistics Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing Technology AAS (Cedar Valley College/Lancaster), Logistics and Supply Chain Management BS (University of North Texas/Denton), and Engineering Undergrad (University Of North Texas/Denton).

She also received the Excellence Award, being named the Best Student in her field within the Logistics Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing Technology Certificate.

Her career goals include continuing employment within the rail industry and obtain entrepreneurship by creating a family owned and operated freight company that partners with the Department of corrections to offer in-house CDL and logistics training for inmates preparing to re-enter into society.

She is a member of the WTSC (Women in Transportation Southern Committee) as well as a Member of Wings of Dallas (Women offering Women Support). Her focus and life’s passion is to improve poverty through the way of Logistics, one truck at a time!

We are so proud of her many accomplishments in this short period of time, and excited to see her reach even higher goals.