Eight year old Darren and his grandmother Daphne were finishing up their Back to School shopping last week when they noticed a woman watching Darren and crying. When Daphne approached the woman and asked if she could help, the stranger responded that her son Zack passed away last year, and he looked so much like Darren. The woman handed $40.00 to them and asked them to purchase anything that was needed for school supplies.

Darren and Daphne were shocked. They wanted to use the money wisely, and in honor of Zack. Daphne just recently saw the GRACE Facebook request for socks and underwear, and so they used all of the money to purchase both items for GRACE clients and dropped it all off at the Donation Station.

Thank you so much to Darren and Daphne, and to the stranger who felt compelled to donate in honor of her son. We are so thankful and will use these donations in memory of Zack.