Manure and Till, Saturday, January 21. Major Preparation Date. Final harvest of broccoli and cabbage. Spread manure, blood meal, and bone meal on all beds; work into beds. Weed around fruit trees and mulch. Continue digging raspberry bed, add manure and compost to bed. Stake leaning tree. 12:00 p.m. until done.

Early Spring Planting, Saturday, February 4. Major Planting Date. Plant carrots, garlic, onion sets, potato sets, cabbage (plants), cilantro, parsley. Transplant raspberries into new bed. 12:00 p.m. until done.

Mid-Spring Planting, Saturday, March 18. Major Planting Date. Plant squash, melons, corn, tomatoes and peppers (transplants); interplant borage, garlic, marigolds and nasturtiums to ward off pests. Fruit trees: give them manure top dressing; renew mulch and pull grass that has encroached. Stake raspberries, cage tomatoes, and peppers. Weed and mulch crops planted on February 4 as well as raspberries and strawberries. Mulch walkways. 9:00 a.m. until done.

Spring Tending and Planting, Saturday, April 8. Plant cucumbers, and replant where needed. Weed and mulch around newly-established tomatoes, squashes and peppers, as well as replenish mulch in walkways. Seed marigolds where missing. 9:00 a.m. until done.

Late Spring Planting and Tending, Saturday, May 13. Plant sweet potatoes, corn, and tomatillos. Weed and mulch as needed. Turn compost piles to aerate, and water. 9:00 a.m. until done.

Early Summer Planting, Saturday, June 3. Plant and cage tomatillos and succession tomatoes. Plant succession watermelon, cucumber and cantaloupe. Turn compost piles to aerate, water the piles, and add leaves. Weed and mulch generally. 8:00 a.m. until done.

Tomato Pruning, Saturday, July 22. Gather tomato fruits. Prune back vines planted on March18 to promote second growth of new stems and blossoms for fall production. Weed and mulch generally. 8:00 a.m. until done.

Last Summer Tending, Saturday, August 19. Plant winter squash. Weed and mulch generally; turn and water compost piles. 8:00 a.m. until done.

Early Fall Tending, Saturday, September 9. Remove spent crops, apply manure and/or finished compost. Replant where needed. Weed and mulch fruit trees. 8:00 a.m. until done.

Late Fall Planting, Saturday, October 7. Plant cabbage transplants. Turn compost bins, add leaves. Weed and mulch generally. 9:00 a.m. until done.

December: Bring bags of leaves to use as compost and mulch.

Every Week, Gathering, Tending, Thursdays. Gather ripe produce, do spot weeding. Also, spent produce, leaves and other organic materials must be added to compost piles. Turn compost piles to aerate and water the piles. Spot water crops if needed. Schedule with Becca Clarke, 817-454-0731.