Imagine for a moment waking up to the sinking feeling of knowing you’ve lost everything you own to a fire the night before. What if you were blind sighted by your husband or wife’s diagnosis and the crushing debt from their treatment? These are the true stories of GRACE clients, like David, who lost his wife unexpectedly shortly after losing his livelihood. Through tears, he explained that the morgue wouldn’t release her body until expensive funeral arrangements were made. Not being able to bury his wife left him in agony. True to its nature, tragedy strikes swiftly, and doesn’t discriminate based on your ethnicity, age or social class.

GRACE provides emergency relief and long-term solutions for each family’s unique crisis. Within 24 hours, GRACE deploys in-kind resources such as food, clothing and other essentials.Partner agencies are connected with clients to deepen layers of service, along with comprehensive case management to help families regain selfsufficiency over time. “24 Hours of GRACE” is a critical window each year when we ask for program funding.

Here are just a few of your impacts in only one business day:

One day can make all the difference. It’s the gifts on behalf of families great and small that illuminate hope for another family when their dark day comes. Can we count on you to help us reach $24,000 in 24 hours?

Help us dedicate every resource to ensuring no tragedy robs a family of food, clothing and shelter in Greater Northeastern Tarrant County.

Click here to give your gift!