If you are looking for a simple summer project with your church group, club or family, a sock and underwear drive meets a feasible, timely need that ensures growing children have proper clothing for the new school year.

There are a several ways a group can help us replenish our sock and underwear inventory. Some families decide to host parties and encourage their guests to bring a clothing donation.

Children can also raise funds by hosting a bake sale, lemonade stand or tackle summer chores for neighbors and relatives.

A family can always add an extra bag of undergarments to their shopping list or drop it off at Donation Station with their item donations.

If your group is interested in a hosting a third-party collection drive that requires promotion of any kind, please contact Special Events Coordinator Chelsea Rose. Contact Clothing Room Coordinator Dina Pesina if you have specific questions about the socks and underwear.

Thanks to the GRACE family for helping us alleviate financial burdens great and small for families in crisis!

  • Boy’s underwear sizes
    • 6/8
    • 10/12
    • 14/16
  • Teens who need adult sizes
    • Women’s underwear size 5
    • Men’s underwear size 28/30
  • Boy’s Socks
    • Small-6-9.5
    • Medium 9-2.5
  • Girl’s Socks
    • Small
    • Medium

Item donations can be dropped off at the GRACE Clothing Room at GRACE Main, 610 Shady Brook Drive, during business operating hours. Families can also drop off sock and underwear donations at Donation Station, located at 121 N. Scribner Rd.