Well, almost. Join us Saturday, February 10, at the GRACE Community Garden to learn how to grow vegetables and herbs in a container small enough to fit on your patio.

This garden awareness campaign serves to engage the community in not only the important values gardening instills in family dynamics, but the vital role it plays in providing families in need with wholesome, unabridged food.

The GRACE Community Garden is meticulously maintained by volunteer gardeners who welcome families, civic groups, small groups, and businesses to support their efforts by attending work days and providing gardening resources that would allow their efforts to continue.

The community event will be held at the GRACE Community Garden aside the Food Pantry, 837 E. Walnut Street, from 11:00 a.m. to noon. Be sure to call 817-499-7008 and leave a message with your RSVP count to ensure there are adequate supplies.

While you’re on site, take a look just off the adjacent Community Clinic to see the property purchased to house all GRACE programs under one roof. See a rendering and read more about the expansion project here.
